
A Tale of Two Synth Shows


In consecutive weekends we’ve enjoyed Machina Bristronica and SynthFest in an orgy of synthesizer goodness. Is it possible to have too much of a good thing?

Ermm… no, probably not. However, a bit of the wind was taken out of SynthFest because I’d seen all the new things at Bristronica. But it was no less enjoyable because, ultimately, it’s a community event of like-minded people sharing a love of electronic music-making.

Bristronica was bold and brash, full of live music, talks, products and demonstrations. SynthFest was more easygoing, thoughtful and a lot less stuffed. I came away from Bristronica feeling that there were a lot of things I wish I had seen, whereas I came away from SynthFest thinking that there really should have been some live performances. But in both instances, I was completely happy with how it all went. I am filled with anticipation for my own Synth East show happening next February, and aiming to get the balance of gear, live music and community interaction as close to perfect as possible.

A big thanks to everyone who stopped and said hello. It was great talking to you, and it fills me with joy to hear how you enjoy the channel and the things I bring to the space. A little bit of encouragement goes a long way!

Anyway, here are a couple of videos I made of both shows using a ridiculous 360 camera. It has a lot of potential for things if I can get to grips with it. But for now, it’s at least entertaining.